Web design sketch

This week has been SO much fun. I didn’t think I would enjoy it so much after having a bit of a low week last week, but I am loving seeing how we can now build a project from scratch (which doesn’t mean we know how to build good projects, but we only need some more time).

This week the contents were given again in the form of some text, exercises and a video solution, which made it again more challenging and motivating as I could just attempt the exercises using the text explanation and only watch the videos if I really needed. We also had several debugging exercises that I did whilst pairing with someone I hadn’t met before, which made the debugging even more fun. During this week I also realised that my colleagues had started to reach out to other course-mates more when they got stuck, which was great to see, for example during one of our peer meetings, and they even ended up in a 6 people or so video-call trying to debug one of the programs.

On one of the days, our coach forgot to give us our pairs, so my favourite course-mate and I decided that it was about time we had a chance to pair “officially”, and we spent the evening working on some exercises and having a lot of fun talking about random things.

Laptop with code on the screen

This week, we were studying web-apps, the last step to finishing all our little projects, and we could see how they came to life in our browser. I finished the contents for the week around Wednesday and thought that I might be lucky enough to finish the weekend solo project before the weekend and be able to rest for a couple of days. So naive. When I started having a look at the project on Thursday I realised my mistake. It was a huge project, consisting on creating a “clone” of Twitter. It had different parts divided by difficulty: In the most basic part, you needed to display the Tweets in descending order and be able to post a Tweet. Then, ideally, you should be able to sign-in as well as log-in and out to be able to post Tweets as you. The most difficult part required you to send an email to the user if they were tagged in a Tweet. I have not been able to finish all these tasks, but I am quite glad I got my app running and quite functional all in all. I feel much more confident after the last four weeks in that I can use all the tools we have been given and work with them reasonably comfortably to reach my goals.

My well-being has also been much better this week, I have been making sure I had fun whilst learning and to not overdo it!

I feel a bit sorry for not having written more this time, but I have been super-busy with the project and I wanted to leave it as tidy as possible before our code-review on Monday!

Dog with googles