Hello you. Yes, you, wherever and whenever you are reading this post, I would like to thank you for being here, for reading about another human being’s thoughts, fears, dreams, challenges and ideas.

This blog started as a way of documenting what has often felt like a crazy and overwhelming event in my life, the decision to make a career change, from working as a veterinary surgeon to learning to code and pursuing a career as a software developer.

This is also meant to be a means to help other people that are going through similar situations to what I have been dealing with over the last couple of years, where anxiety and burnout controlled my professional and personal life, or to people that would like to know how being a veterinarian or a software developer is like and how to get there. There is a lot I have learnt while finding my way through it all and that I would like to share with whomever may find it useful.

I decided to name this blog “Cat from space” for a number of reasons, the first one being quite obvious, is that I love cats! But it is also related to the famous Github logo, the Octocat (for the non-nerds, Github is a site that allows for developers to store their work and facilitates version control), as well as having the symbolic meaning of my career change feeling a bit like jumping into space without breaks (terrifying, but also extremely beautiful, being able to see billions of new stars, the earth from above, the music of the void, the beating of your heart). So that is how, since “Space cat” was already taken, “Cat from space” came to life.

So if you are up for reading some of these adventures, sit down, relax and stay tuned for new and exciting posts!

Sincerely yours
